The year in Review

Wowโ€ฆ.what a year. 2021 brought a lot of changes for Dan and I.ย 

It was a weird beginning with still being in the midst of covid, the Space closed so our weekends were free, and taking care of batโ€™s daughter.ย 

As it warmed up, we spent time in parks visiting friends one by one, chatting 6 feet apart. No hugs, but it was great seeing people again. Even as an introvert, I was used to seeing hundreds of people each week at the Space and at events. Dan and I are great condo covid partners, but I was missing my friends.ย 

I spent more time on my trike and we spent time on our motorcycles.ย 

Lots of time on zoom workshops both together and me with my energy and slave classes.ย 

We were in a comfortable pattern, boardgames at night. Lots of reading and writing, lots of zoom workshops, etc.ย 

Then, we took a motorcycle trip to Kentucky for my birthday and Memorial Day weekend. We visited friends and talked to them about moving into an RV. While interviewing people for the Erotic Awakening podcast, we had come across a few people that where living in RVs full-time. That really tingled Danโ€™s minimalist button and my adventure button. We hashed it out outloud with our friends and they were surprised when I admitted that I really thought weโ€™d follow through with this. Iโ€™m the one that usually resists big changes. Itโ€™s hard for me to adapt.ย 

And not only did this mean selling our condo, our cars, motorcycles and furnitureโ€ฆbut it meant moving from campground to campground every few weeks. Lots of change every couple of weeks. It had the possibility of being anxiety producing. But, what the hell? If not now? When? Retirement? No one is guaranteed to live that long. And our bodies are already having issues as we age. I want to do the outdoorsy stuff now while I can. Triking, hiking, kayaking, walking, swimmingโ€ฆ.all the stuff!ย 

So, within a week of having this discussion with friends in KY, we had made the decision to jump into the deep end. A few people said we should rent an RV and see if we even liked it, since weโ€™d never been in one. Nah. We were in too much of a hurry for that. We had done some research for a couple of weeks and were out camping with a few other friends, when the trailer we wanted appeared 20 minutes away from us. We went and bought it.ย 

A lot of people have decided to do the route of full-time RV living since covid, working from home and the housing market craze. So, finding a truck and a trailer were near impossible, especially ones that you really wanted. A lot of people were settling because everything was scarce. We were able to find exactly what we were looking for. The Universe was providing.ย 

In one month, we had the condo on the market, the truck bought and the trailer bought. We found a campground outside of Columbus and then I went back to the condo and sold most of the stuff in it and stored my office stuff and vending stuff. Furniture sold. Both motorcycles sold. Danโ€™s car traded in, my car sold. Condo sold. There was no going back, at least for us.ย 

The thought of leaving Columbus was hard. All our friends are there. Our kids and grandchild are there. Batโ€™s daughter is there. But, the Space was gone and Dan was working remotely. Why not now?ย 

So, we got our vaccines and hit the road.ย 

Now that weโ€™ve been on the road for the last half of the year, weโ€™ve spent a lot of time on Zoom with virtual events. I finished my Rev. Dawn ritual book and published it. We finished our Polyamory Dating Guide book and published it We actually taught at an in-person event and visited a dungeon – The Woodshed, run by friends of ours, in Orlando. And weโ€™ve been having a blast!!!!ย 

Cultivating joy and experiencing life is the name of the game!

Itโ€™s only been 6 months in the RV and weโ€™ve spent time in Columbus twice, been to Kentucky for a month and a bit of time in Indiana, Michigan, overnights in West Virginia and North Carolina, a month in South Carolina and now time roaming around Florida.ย 

Though, now that we are on the road, we also want to give swinging a try. We arenโ€™t really the swinging type, we lean more towards polyamory, but why the hell not give it a try again? We love meeting people, we love being intimate with people, so letโ€™s move forward with experiencing life. Iโ€™ve met up with someone from OKC of all places, have met a couple of times. Though itโ€™s only been dinner and time spent on a pier over the ocean at midnight. Iโ€™ve got the dating part down, now I just need to figure out how to drag them off to a motel. ๐Ÿ˜‰ย ย 

And thatโ€™s 2021 in a nutshell.ย 

2022 has started off on an upbeat as well. Weโ€™ll continue to teach on zoom and present for online events. There are a couple scheduled for this year already. And weโ€™ll continue with the podcast and are currently working on our next power exchange book. Hopefully, weโ€™ll get the Polyamory Toolkit audio recorded this year as well. And we plan to buff up our youtube presence a bit. Our discord channel has been an amazing time with a great group of people. I love the daily conversation.ย 

Hell, you may even see us on tik tok this year if we find the time.ย 

At the moment, Iโ€™m sitting in the sun with the pup at my feet, listening to kids play around the RV park. We have a Leather Pride flag out our front door to welcome anyone that may recognize it, along with a pineapple flag tooting us as swingers for anyone in the know. So far, no one has spoken up about knowing what they mean. Thatโ€™s the only weird part of RVing so far. We havenโ€™t come across other kinksters.ย 

Anyway,ย  Iโ€™m going to put on a pair of tennis shoes and go walk on the nature path next to the river. Tonight is a zoom Power Exchange meeting with other Power Exchange friends. Then, time by the campfire.




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