polyamory weekend

By dansarani

The weekend was full of meeting some great poly people!

We led a Polyamory Speed Dating event Friday evening which had 36 people getting to know each other in 5-minute increments. I did get to talk to a few. Awesome people. Then, Saturday it was an all-day Polyamory Unconference. 40 people teaching each other all day long and then chillin through the evening; coloring and playing board games.

It was a great time, though I did miss having my other partners there. Neither was able to make it.

I love helping to create these events so that people can meet each other and maybe make a connection. For those looking for partners, I always recommend meeting in person. These were perfect events for meeting others and learning how others do polyamory.

Iโ€™m all rested up and ready to start working on Beyond The Love!!! Hope to meet many more people!!



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