Let’s Chat – with Patrons of Dan and dawn and the Erotic Awakening Podcast

So, Dan and I do this thing called ‘Let’s Chat! with our Patreons. We’ve been doing this for over a year at this point. It’s a zoom call with our Patrons on various topics of interest. It’s casual. It’s not Dan and I presenting anything. We do share our stories but we are there to get to know our patrons, the people that support the work we do.

I’m loving them! We’ve got some fantastic people on these calls!

Sunday, the topic was ‘Fun and Frustrations in the Scene’. We talked about our favorite scenes and our crappy scenes. Lots of laughter involved. And we all got to know each other a little more.

We try to choose topics that would be fun to chat about. Sometimes it’s like Sunday’s topic, sometimes it’s a topic that is really popular at the moment, or sometimes it’s a topic of one of our classes or books or a topic we did on the podcast, that our patrons have requested. Those are always fun as well.

We’ve just asked our patrons what topic they’d like for November. Can’t wait to see what is suggested. ๐Ÿ™‚

We’ve been presenting for almost 20 years, podcasting for more than 12, writing books for more than 11….etc. etc. …….and sometimes we are still taken by surprise with the topics people want to talk about.

If you’d like to join our chats, it’s easy to become a patron of our work.


The next chat is scheduled for Nov. 14th. Though, we have a lot of classes, roundtables, podcasts, and more, between now and then, as well.

Hope to see you at one of these!



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