Dan & Dawn, co-authors of The Polyamory Toolkit, are coming to your town…with a little help

We are the authors of the newly released The Polyamory Toolkit! To celebrate the release of this book, we are taking it on the road and offering our various polyamory workshops and intensives across North America. We already have a fair number of cities we are traveling to but are hoping to expand that with more local MeetUps and other poly gatherings!


What we need are local poly leaders to help us coordinate. When does your poly group meet? If you donโ€™t have a regular meeting group, can we help get one set up? How else can we assist you in helping to bring us to you?


It wonโ€™t take much to generate interest! We are co-creators of the Beyond The Love polyamory event as well as the co-host for the past 10 years of the Erotic Awakening Podcast. And weโ€™ve been presenting around North America for the past 15 years – some of the polyamory classes weโ€™ve been teaching include Advanced Poly Relationships: A path to freedom from jealousy, Eight Poly Tools, and The Introverts Guide to Polyamory.


In short, we are asking for an introduction to your local polyamory group leaders. And if that is you, great, can we come to visit? Toss us an email at dananddawn@eroticawakening.com and let’s see what we can make happen!



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