EA586 – Sexy Self Confidence

Sexy Self-Confidence

Confidence is being in complete trust in yourself and believing in your powers. It can also be seen as a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something. But sexy confidence is what we need to shine. Itโ€™s not arrogant, and you donโ€™t have to fake it, just move to that point of self-confidence. Appropriate Confidence is the self-assurance that isnโ€™t hinged on one specific instance of success.

Self-confidence is the internal conviction that you are in the right place, you are good enough, you belong, and that you wonโ€™t be swayed by othersโ€™ views of you, at least not for long. Join Dan & dawn as they discuss how to develop and maintain appropriate confidence.

Tune in!

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During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:01] Introduction to the show

[01:45] Why self-confidence is sexy

[04:25] How Dan and Dawn got to the point of self-confidence

[07:07] How to build your confidence

[09:50] How self-confidence is rooted in your belief system

[13:11] Meditation could ease your journey to self-confidence

[15:30] Using media to boost your confidence level

[17:10] Taking atomic steps is the key to building strong confidence

[20:45] What Dan finds to be sexy in self-confidence

[25:04] Must read books for self confidence

[28:39] Dawnโ€™s motivation to be submissive

[34:20] Connect with us

Notable quotes

  • If youโ€™re confident, you will shine through
  • Have the intent to be more confident
  • Little things can click up to create a package deal
  • Dress well and let it open your doors of confidence
  • The secret to getting ahead is getting started

Books Mentioned in the Episode

  1. Atomic Habits by James Clear
  2. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
  3. Living M/S by Dan and Dawn Williams

Connect with us today!

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Email Dan and Dawn:ย  ย dananddawn@eroticawakening.com
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