Formal BDSM Event, the story

Background: If you have been to the Columbus Space, it will help you visualize things as such. The dungeon is in the main room, the Living Room is the room in the back (Sandua), and the Submission Room is what is currently what is commonly called the Social space.

Upon arrival, Mistress Zoe and her slave carl checked in. They were escorted by a slave through the dungeon and to the Living Room. Mistress Zoe joined her peers at the couches; carl removed himself to the back of the Living Room and began to assist with preparing and presenting beverages.

Around the couches sat a variety of Masters, Mistresses, Doms and Owners; around them a few slaves and submissives sat at feet, while others stood nearby at the ready. Others served drinks and snacks. Others offered massages and foot rubs.

Different than many events they had been too, the use of titles was prevalent and considered courteous; submissives and slaves were in general either ignored or were serving a specific purpose.

After socializing for a while, Mistress Zoe summoned her slave over and the two of them went to the Submissive Room. On the way there, they noticed a few people indulging in hot BDSM scenes. But they had another purposed in mind.
They arrived at the Submission Room and, prior to entry, were reminded of the protocols (1). They listened, passed the quiz, and Mistress Zoe placed a leash on slave carl. slave carl adjusted his mask and they entered the room.

There were a few Owners and Doms in the room, chatting. Mistress Zoe saw her friends Master Mark and Mistress Mindy and they chatted. Master Mark grew tired of holding his drink so motioned to one of the slaves that were parked along the wall to come over. He commanded the slave to be a table so he could put his drink down. Mistress Mindy motioned to another slave who promptly came over. She sat down and spread her legs and with no preamble said “Eat me”. The slave promptly gathered the proper safer sex gear and did so.
Master Mark realized the conversation was over and motioned another slave over. “Suck my cock” he said. The slave inclined his head slightly, said a simple “Red”, and returned to the position he was in. Master Mark was unfazed and not insulted – not everyone was there for the same reason. Some were sex slaves, some were furniture, some were service focused. He motioned to another slave…
Mistress Zoe saw the look in slave carls face and smiled and unhooked his leash. “Go stand by the wall and see what sort of trouble you can get into…”

The above isn’t fantasy. It is a possibility of how things may go…

(1) See Submission Room FAQ atยโ€ฆ




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