Permission Based Relationship

While we were interviewing someone for the podcast a the other night, they used a descriptor that Iย  hadnโ€™t heard of before in the years weโ€™ve been living power exchange: a permission based relationship.ย 


Well, that resonated with me. A permission based relationship. I had never thought of our relationship in those terms, but itโ€™s definitely a permission based relationship even though weโ€™ve never really described it that way.ย 


I ask permission whenever I do anything. If Iโ€™m not asking permission, because I know heโ€™ll be ok with it, Iโ€™m at least letting him know what Iโ€™m doing so that he can change it up if he wants.ย 


I donโ€™t know that weโ€™ve ever said, โ€˜we are a permission based relationshipโ€™…….though we have said โ€˜we are a punishment based relationshipโ€™. Asking permission has just been the way Iโ€™ve been guided. I wouldnโ€™t have it any other way.ย 


When I talk about โ€˜What Would Master Do?โ€™…..itโ€™s actually because I needed his permission to do something that day I pulled over to the side of the road with bat, trying to get Dan on the phone.ย 


When I took my sister into a Leather store at the beach where she lives, and she say me drooling over a purple collar, she was totally confused as to why I didnโ€™t think I could just buy it. But, I literally had a visceral reaction to buying something like that without his permission. I couldnโ€™t do it.ย 


Hell, to this day, even if Iโ€™m buying something for myself with my money, I will usually ask if heโ€™s ok with what Iโ€™m going to buy. Not always, because he simply doesnโ€™t care what I buy with my money. But, itโ€™s so ingrained in me that itโ€™s just natural to at least inform him.ย 


I even do that with him in regards to my poly relationships. I donโ€™t need to ask Danโ€™s permission to do things with my boyfriend. I do. Or like I said before, I at least let him know whatโ€™s happening so that he has a chance to speak up.ย 


This is my way of being connected to our power exchange foundation. I like it. I donโ€™t want it to get to where Iโ€™m not asking permission or informing him of what Iโ€™m doing. If it got to that point, I might as well be in a vanilla relationship. Asking permission and/or informing reminds us who is in charge. Not that we need much reminding.


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