sRTs – Submissive Roundtable Benefits for those in Power Exchange Relationships

One of the things that I highly recommend to people is to surround yourself with like minded people. If you are poly, join a poly group. If you are power exchange, join a power exchange group, etc. And preferably one that meets in person, not just a fet or fb group online.

So, I prefer in-person. Of course, with covid still rampant that’s probably not the best choice, so a live online meeting comes in second for me.

With this in mind, I’ve been hosting the sub/slave/follower roundtable for over a year on zoom, with a couple of months off while we were moving. And I’ve been a co-facilitator of AIS sRTs for years.

I find them so beneficial. In the presence of other subs, I can share experiences or ask questions or help others ask/answer questions. No Doms allowed, so it’s just us subs in our space.

And since it’s online instead of in person, I require video. That’s because people could be sharing vulnerable stuff and I want them to at least be able to see the faces of those they are sharing their story with. We may not know everyone, but we’ll be able to see everyone. It helps to create sacred space. Which is also why I don’t let people in too late. There is a bond that is created once people start sharing and I don’t want that interrupted.

Hosting these roundtables, feeds me. There are times that I get so wrapped up in my projects that I forget to do the very thing that I recommend to others. So, dropping my work for an hour and just chatting with other submissives is recharging for me. I hope it is for others as well.

Tonight, we are just going to say ‘hi’ and meet each other, even though it may not be the same people on each call, it’s nice to share our name and such and say ‘hi’ to other subs around the world. We all do power exchange differently I’m sure, but it’s nice to know there are more of us out there.

Power exchange is not the dynamic we usually can find role models for in media, so the more you surround yourself with like minded individuals, whether it’s an sRT or chat or a MAsT meeting, etc. ……it can make it easier to embrace your power exchange dynamic.

For more info, check out the event I created on fetlife —>


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