Self Publishing – Next Power Exchange Book – Turning our Polyam books into audiobooks

Self Publishing – Next Power Exchange Book – Turning our Polyam books into audiobooks


Eleven years ago when we had ‘Living M/s’ published…..self-publishing was complicated and not common. We had thought of self-publishing, but a publisher reached out to us when they heard Dr. Bob was writing the forward.

So, yay!!! our first book was wanted by a publisher! What we didn’t realize when we signed the contract, is that …..well, for one, we don’t own the content anymore. Everything I’d written that was put in the book, had to be taken down from websites where I had posted them. Then, all the proceeds go to the publisher until our ‘bill’ for publishing the book is paid off, before we see any money. It’s been 11 years. The only books we make any money off of are the ones we buy at wholesale and then resell on our website. Nothing from Amazon,, Barnes and Noble, etc.

Anyway…..I don’t know if it works differently with other publishers. And our book is a niche book so it’s probably that way with all niche books. Should we have signed a contract like that? We had a publisher that wanted to publish our book without having to shop around. This publisher also publishes books of another author we highly respect. We were super excited. We just didn’t realize the consequences of this route. Again, it’s probably normal. I’m not bashing the publisher itself. He got us out there when we weren’t sure how to do so. (though I’ve done all the marketing over the years)


So, we now self-publish. It’s gotten much easier to do over the years. Luckily, we’ve found some great editors and Dan has learned how to do this process. 3 books self-published. Both our Polyamory ones:ย The Polyamory Toolkitย and Theย Polyamory Dating Guide.

And my ritual bookย Rituals From Birth to Earth

This is how we’ll be publishing our next book,ย Hearts and Collars. It’s about 3 times as big as Living M/s and we are so excited! And with this book, we’ll be able to update it if needed and turn it into an audio book!

We’ll be turning The Polyamory Toolkit into an audio book as well. Hopefully, that’s our next project.

Not cheap projects. But, they will get done. ๐Ÿ™‚

We love sharing our stories to help others out. I wish books like this had existed when we got started in our relationship a couple decades ago. ๐Ÿ™‚

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