Sensual BDSM – zoom Feb. 7th 6pm EST

Dan and i present on a lot of topics….but one of my favorites is when we talk about sensuality, bringing connection to a scene. Whether it’s our ‘Sensual Humiliation’, ‘Sensual Spanking’, or ‘Sensual BDSM’ class…..I love them all. ๐Ÿ™‚

This Sunday, we’ll be zooming ‘Sensual BDSM’.

It’s the class for those that want more from their BDSM. More than the physical.

I’ve never been into just the physical aspect of BDSM. Sure, i love spankings and whippings, etc. But, if there isn’t a connection with the person, it just falls flat. I can’t state enough how much i enjoy play, but for me, i also use BDSM as a way to connect intimately with people. To let my inner self fly free. Let the walls down and dance in the energy.

Touch me like you can feel the Goddess (or slut or both) within me. As a part of me. i’m not just an ass to spank or a body to tie pretty knots on. i’m a passionate human being that wants to be seen, wants to be felt, wants to be touched completely. I can only do that if I know and can feel the person I’m with is being mindful of our connection. Our energy together. In the moment.

Spank me and look around to see who’s watching? I’ll feel the disconnect. Whip me but thinking about the argument at work earlier that day. I’ll feel the distance of your thoughts. Be there with me. Only me. Feel my heat. Feel my lust. Feel my submission. Play with it. Be totally mindful of the moment, and feel the sensuality, even if it’s just for that hour or so of play.

…….oh the visions……lost in memory and hope…..

Ok….now i’m all hot and bothered. I hope that new toy Dan bought me for Valentine’s Day is in. Cause i need some Sensual Something ๐Ÿ˜‰



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