Tag: Topic

  • Sensual BDSM – zoom Feb. 7th 6pm EST

    Dan and i present on a lot of topics….but one of my favorites is when we talk about sensuality, bringing connection to a scene. Whether it’s our ‘Sensual Humiliation’, ‘Sensual Spanking’, or ‘Sensual BDSM’ class…..I love them all. 🙂 This Sunday, we’ll be zooming ‘Sensual BDSM’. It’s the class for those that want more from…

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  • Nature vs Nurture

    Dan:                       One of the most sought after topics here on the erotic awakening podcast is the idea is his kink nature or is it nurture? And I’m smart enough to know that I don’t even understand the question, but I am lucky to know smart people today on the podcast we have Kya, who after…

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